Monday, August 1, 2011

Debt ceiling crisis

I am beginning today to post humble opinions on matters that can be of interest to other people. And what can be more actual today than the fictitious crisis provoked by some of our "leaders"?
 Yes, to be a leader requires a commitment to principles, but also a commitment to the people the leader is representing. 
We haven't seen our politicians as leaders, we call them just "politicians", but in true life they are the people who lead the nation, and thus who should lead the well-being of the voters that they represent. But somehow this concept has been forgotten, and sometimes they only think on re-election as if this was their ultimate mission, and then... a crisis, or better said, a pseudo-crisis explodes. Why aren't they thinking of us?
The irresponsible "positions negotiation" that we recently watched in our political ground costed the investors, through the decline of the stock market, about $700 billion, yes, you read well, SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS in market capitalization lost in one week, mainly attributable to that irresponsibility, made by politicians who spend a large part of their time "funding" their parties, in work time paid by the American People. Money lost as a consequence of people trying to protect some power groups, the ones that don't need to be protected because they can protect themselves, instead of protecting their voters, the American People, the same persons that are suffering the results of other "irresponsible decisions" made two, three or more years ago. The same people that the politicians are supposed to protect. 
700 billion dollars of market capitalization lost by millions of people, even by those "power" people supposedly protected. Who won? I am not an economist, but I can use my logic, who won? nobody, nobody wins when the market looses capitalization, because those losses are not a consequence of market fluctuations, but a consequence of political games. I think it's time to lead responsibly, maturely, with the benefit of people in mind, the majority of people, the ones that represent what our forefathers referred to as "THE PEOPLE", the same ones that the politicians look to during election time, not for funding their parties, but to define the winner. 
Because we, "THE PEOPLE", still have the most powerful weapon, the long arm of the vote. And please, don't bother to look for our weapon in the election if you are not thinking of us during the rest of the time.